Find events in Wolverhampton
Events and activities throughout the year! Many are free and include food.

Get involved

Are you a young person aged 11 – 25? Or a parent/carer of one? Do you want to do something fun and constructive in your spare time? Meet new people? Are you passionate about being a voice for Wolverhampton?
Find support near you

Looking for some help or support? Issues with bullying, relationships, body image or staying safe, employment, exam worries or eating healthily? Check out Yo! support services in and around Wolverhampton.
Accessing free school holiday activities with food during school breaks
The Holiday Activities and Food Programme provides eligible children and young people with free holiday activities and food in the long school holidays.

About Yo!

Yo! Young Opportunities - is about creating more opportunities for young people. Yo! provides access to events and services within Wolverhampton that offer opportunities to children, young people and their parents.
Family Hubs

A Family Hub is a place where children, young people and their families can go when they need support.